World Habitat Day is celebrated annually on the first Monday of October. Recognised by the United Nations, the purpose of this event is to reflect on the state of human settlements and the basic right of shelter for all. It also aims to remind the world of its collective responsibility for the future of human habitat.

World Habitat Day is a great opportunity for children to learn about issues that people all over the world face, and to teach them that they have a shared responsibility to care for their homes and surrounding environments.
Children in the Wilderness Eco-Club learners from Jakob Basson Combined School took the initiative and cleaned their school environment, picking up waste and litter to make their surroundings more pleasant to live in.
The children learned that a clean habitat is crucial for our environment: it supports plant growth, clean air, and biodiversity. Clean water is important as it prevents waterborne diseases and is critically important for drinking and agricultural use. It is obviously also essential for children’s growth and development.

The Eco-Club learners further applied their creativity and recycled the waste that they had collected, turning the items into a soccer ball, as well as recycled fire-balls (fire-starters) to further protect the environment.
Report by Veronderako Kaura – CITW & Community Co-ordinator |