CITW Malawi YES Clubs – Face-Mask Project

With donations from Central African Wilderness Safaris (CAWS) MD Chris Badger, his wife Pam, and the Rosemary Pencil Foundation, a face-mask production project was launched at the Chihame YES Club in Chintheche.

The Chihame Centre received two sewing machines as donations. At the same time, further to the south, the Nanthomba Centre in Liwonde also received two sewing machines, theirs from Nanthomba Primary School.

CITW youth, who have acquired sewing skills from previous life-skills training, led their fellow youth in the face-mask project, as one way of combating COVID-19.

By the end of November over 500 face masks had been produced and donated to school pupils who could not afford to buy a face mask. For the youth, this is leadership in practice.

CITW youth from the Nangondo YES Club to the east of Liwonde National Park warm up for a comeback, as COVID-19 cases reduce. Chifundo Nyambalo, far left, was delegated to champion his fellow youth. Chifundo joined CITW when he was 14 years old. He is currently a CITW youth leader from the west of Liwonde National Park (embodying our vision of sustainable conservation through leadership development).
Chifundo is now one of the super safari guides working with CAWS in Liwonde National Park

For CITW, such a gesture from the youth is indeed an indicator that the programme is effective in training the youth to become patriotic leaders in their rural communities. Some of the leadership skills, which CITW youth are taught and practice, are those of assessing environmental and social issues, and coming up with possible solutions.   

A total of 80 youth participated in the production of the face masks.

By Symon Chibaka – CITW Malawi Programme Co-ordinator

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