Our vision at Children in the Wilderness is to support sustainable conservation through leadership development and education of rural children in Africa. Our educational programme includes aspects of environmental education and life skills development, as we believe that both of these are crucial in forging an enduring path for informed, dedicated and passionate next-generation leaders and decision-makers.
We encourage the children to form positive connections with their surroundings by exploring and engaging with nature in interactive and fun ways. The awareness and sensitivity to the environment create an attitude of concern, and a want to care for the things around them. Our programme aims to increase their knowledge and understanding of these intricate systems, as well as develop their problem solving and critical thinking skills, so that they are able to take action and be a part of the team solving environmental issues.
Outdoor Classroom Day is a global campaign to inspire and celebrate outdoor learning and play. The ultimate goal is to make outdoor learning a part of every school day around the world, reaping the rewards of better social skills in our children, enhanced teamwork, better engagement with learning and, most importantly, happiness.

We would encourage you to take the time this week to explore your own environment, to make the connection and enjoy the benefits.
Check out our PDF here for some ideas, including ways to do this from your window or balcony if need be.
Post by Kirsty van der Want – CITW Programme Trainer