With the support of generous Bisate and Sabyinyo guests, Wilderness and Children in the Wilderness (CITW) in Rwanda have been able to assist Bisate Primary School and the surrounding community with brand-new sports courts. Suitable for basketball and volleyball, of course they can be used for other sports and activities too.

Amounting to a total value of USD17,000, the project’s construction and all necessary materials were outsourced to, and procured via, local companies, further supporting the community at large with employment and income.
Although the final touches are still to be completed in the coming month, the sports fields are now in use, and the students and teachers appreciate this addition to their school grounds so much.

Dancille Mukakamari, Headmistress of Bisate Primary School said: “On behalf of Bisate Primary School, we would like to thank you for your support of the basketball and the volleyball field and facilities. The playgrounds are now helping our children and even the surrounding community for playing and exercising. We promise we will be the best school in playing these games! We thank you for your generosity”.

Bisate Primary School has 1,678 learners at the primary and nursery school, while a total of 40 teachers are employed, and ensure all classes take place.

With so many students, you can imagine these wonderful new sports courts will be in great demand from now on!