Life-Changing Solar Pump Donation to Otjinungua Mobile School

“We are thrilled to report on the donation of a solar water pump to Otjinungua Mobile School in the far northern Marienfluss Conservancy! This life-changing gift from Bank Windhoek is valued at NAD60 000″, notes Namibia CITW and Community Co-ordinator, Agnes Tjirare.

Solar pump installation on the Kunene River in the Marienfluss Conservancy

Access to water at the school now makes it possible to implement a CITW eco-garden, as well as basic health and general hygiene, as children were suffering from dermatitis neglecta.

Kuva from the Marienfluss Conservancy received the installation on behalf of the conservancy, whose members are the caretakers on behalf of the school. The technician from Cedar Solar gave the school staff and Kuva a short demonstration on how the pump works before he left.

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