CITW Zambezi is so pleased to announce that over the past few months both Lupani Primary School and the community surrounding the school have had two boreholes installed thanks to a very generous donor – Well Deserved.
Water is life, and in the area’s harsh climate, having easier access to water improves the efficiency of everyday life for those who need it. Installing a solar pump and a 5 000-litre tank within the school and community will ensure that there is always easily accessible water where previously, people had to queue or travel several kilometres to collect water.

Having a borehole and access to water has countless direct and indirect impacts on those who use it. With the responsibility of collecting water usually falling on the women and girls of a household, walking long distances and having to use a hand-pump takes a great deal of time out of their day. The girls often miss valuable learning time doing these household chores. This will no longer be the case, and all 280 students at Lupani Primary can focus solely on their learning, while the surrounding community members will have time to tend to their crops and focus on their income-generating projects.

With these newly installed boreholes and solar pumps, animals and plants are also catered for, and growing and maintaining a vegetable garden becomes much easier, with better yields for harvest. We would like to thank Well Deserved once again for this incredible gift. The direct and indirect benefits of water are countless, and we are so grateful for their generosity in enabling these projects to be completed.