Teacher/Eco-Mentor Training, Malawi

Eco-Mentors (primary school teachers and local mentors who run the Eco-Clubs), underwent a two-day training session on how to implement basic design sciences with Eco-Club members. The basic science sessions are very complementary to the CITW curriculum, in that the children learn more about solving social and environmental problems using basic science. The Design Squad Global, through Gillian Rose of the Rosemary Pencil Foundation, assisted with the expertise needed around the facilitation of the lessons.

The current sessions will be running from Febraury to July this year. Children have five topics to learn in a period of five months, during which time they will be trying to solve five environmental-related challenges using basic science engineering. One of the lessons/challenges will be about converting wind into various green energy forms.

As one of the practical lessons, teachers/Eco-mentors designed an aeroplane to demonstrate how the force of drag is reduced by streamlining the body.

A total of 24 primary school teachers, six local mentors, eight CITW youth YES members and 12 head teachers underwent the training at Central African Wilderness Safaris (CAWS) Mvuu Camp and Chintheche Inn.

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