As part of their WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) initiative, Grand Circle Foundation (GCF) has assisted in the establishment of two toilet blocks at Jabulani Primary School in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The WASH initiative aims to ensure that “all the schools and villages we support have access to an adequate supply of clean water and toilets that meet or exceed local standards”[1].
In a continuation of past projects where GCF has provided Jabulani Primary with toilets for the school children, there are now two new ablution blocks for the teachers who live on the property. Two toilets and two showers have been constructed, providing the six teachers who live on the property with adequate bathroom facilities.
Ensuring adequate hygiene and sanitation is crucial to minimise the number of sanitation-related illnesses and diseases that are evident. In each school, a tippy tap has also been constructed to ensure that children and teachers wash their hands. These are simple devices that are constructed using sticks, string, and a water container. By pressing on a stick with one’s foot, the water container tips, allowing users to wash their hands. This is both water-conserving and hygienic, as the water flowing is controlled, and the tippy tap is hands-free.
We are so grateful to GCF for their assistance and continued support in improving the water, sanitation, and hygiene for the people in this region.

[1] Grand Circle Foundation. (2019). WASH. Retrieved from