Eco-Mentor Training in Tuli, GMTFCA

Eco-Mentor Training in Tuli

Bokang Shopane and Lisa Witherden (CITW Environmental Education Resource Developer), together with Calvenia Makgosa (CITW Eco-Club Coordinator – Tuli, Botswana) and Portia Phokela (Modikwa Primary School Eco-Club Coordinator, South Africa) ran Eco-Mentor trainings in the Tuli area in the GMTFCA.

Eco-Mentor Training took place in the three villages in the Tuli area with which CITW works – Mathathane, Mothlabaneng and Lentswe-le-Moriti Villages. The invitation for this Eco-Training was open to the community. The CITW team was thrilled to have not only teachers who run the Eco-Clubs in each of these village’s schools attend the training, but also other important stakeholders from each village. From the Chief, to a Village Community Development member, to representatives from the Parent-Teacher Association, the trainings were well-attended, and the outcome exceptionally positive.

Training focused on how our programme works and how the community can get involved in our programme through environmental projects. We showed the communities how CITW works in the Eco-Clubs in their schools, by conducting lessons from our Eco-Club Resource Book. The participation from each community was incredible. Our lessons on Respect and Climate Change in particular were a huge success, and trainees got stuck into the debates and learning involved in these activities.

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