Read Hadley Pierce’s write-up on the next phase of the reforestation project with our Eco-Club in Rwanda:
Our second round of reforestation with Children in the Wilderness (CITW) Eco-Club students at Bisate! Read about the first here.
The students planted dombeya saplings on the property six months ago. This week, they returned to plant hagenia saplings in their CITW Eco-Club Forest on Bisate property. We were lucky to be joined by the Vice Mayor of Musanze, Marie Claire, and Director of Education in Musanze, Alex, who spoke to the children about why it is so important to plant trees, to not cut down trees, and to protect Volcanoes National Park. They also implored the kids to all become ambassadors and educate their parents about the importance of reforestation, and not collect wood from the national park. A big thank you to the Eco-Club instructors for all their hard work, to the officials from Musanze for showing their support, and to Aline and Jean Moise from Bisate for orchestrating the whole event. A smashing success!