Jermain Ketji is the Community Engagement Manager for Wilderness Safaris in Namibia, and as such, works very closely with Children in the Wilderness. Ketji was featured on 99FM, a radio station in Namibia, where he spoke about The Power of Will. Listen to Ketji’s wonderful interview here.
“I live by the brand, One Heart – One Love. We should start there, everything we do, We Are One. I don’t want to say one nation, we are bigger than a nation, we are human beings, we’ve got love and we’ve got hearts, lets begin to live by that and be constantly conscious about emotions in others as much as we are about our own emotions.” – Ketji.
Ketji has been in the community based conservation and tourism sector for over 12 years, starting as a research assistant doing work in the Kavango and Caprivi regions of Namibia, to piloting cultural tourism concepts in the Omaheke region. He served as a business advisor for Namibia Community Based Tourism Association and Namibia Rural Development Project before venturing into business as a tour operator specialising in cultural tours.
He joined Wilderness Safaris as a freelance guide in 2005 before taking on a full-time role in 2006 as a community liaison officer. He has since served as a guide and moved up the ranks to Relief Manager, Concession Manager to his current position of Community Engagement Manager focusing on, among other things, managing joint venture agreements with conservancies, as well as liaising with key stakeholder in conservation, tourism and grassroots community development, with a focus on education.