Eco-Mentor training with Design Squad Global, Malawi

Children in the Wilderness (CITW) had learnt about the Design Squad Global (DSG) through Gillian Rose (founder of the Rosemary Pencil Foundation USA).  CITW Eco-Mentors (teachers) have been involved in the training of Eco-Mentors in the concept of DSG in order to apply the knowledge they’ve learnt to CITW activities. The teachers underwent a two day training at Chintheche Inn, and training was facilitated by Vicky Frantz, the representative of DSG in Malawi. At the end of the training the teachers had gained understanding and technical knowhow about:

  • Design Process which included: Identifying problems; brainstorming a possible solution, developing a design/plan; developing a solution/tool; testing the solution/tool; sharing the solution/tool; then, if possible, considering re-designing and repeating the process in order to get achieve/develop the best solution/tool.
  • Guiding children through this process
  • Relating the innovation and design skills to problem solving and being a productive citizen in one’s community.

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