Methuli is 21 years old and comes from Ngamo village in Zimbabwe. He did his primary schooling at Ngamo Primary School before completing his Grade 12 studies at Tsholotsho Secondary School where he passed with flying colours.
Methuli joined Children in the Wilderness (CITW) in 2009 when he was only 13 years old. He is one of the first Youth Environmental Stewardship (YES) members and today is a camp Eco-Mentor. He is also a part-time volunteer teacher at Tsholotsho Secondary School. Methuli always wanted to be involved in Natural Resources and Wildlife Management and when the opportunity to study at the Southern African Wildlife College in South Africa presented itself, he grabbed it with both hands.
CITW has partnered with the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC) to provide opportunities for CITW participants to build on their conservation and environmental education by attending a six-month bridging course.
Methuli has completed his bridging course in Environmental Education and Nature Conservation at the SAWC and has recently completed his work experiential training with Wilderness Safaris in Hwange National Park. Methuli plans to enroll for a degree in Tourism, Hospitality, Natural Resources and Wildlife Management.
To read more on our partnership with the Southern African Wildlife College, click here.