CITW Zambezi, in collaboration with a trainer from Wordworks, recently carried out its second teacher literacy workshop for 2022. This workshop was hosted in the Beitbridge region of Zimbabwe, on the banks of the beautiful Limpopo River, for five schools from the surrounding area.
Fifteen teachers attended the workshop, and each was provided with four terms worth of Stellar Wordworks teaching resource kits. These packs included materials and lesson guides to follow, in order to build on the early language and literacy skills of their students.

The Wordworks trainer’s main focus throughout the week was on delivering high-quality lesson guidance based on the materials each teacher had received. This consisted of walking the teachers through a number of lessons as well as explaining the reasoning behind many of the activities.

During this time CITW has also been able to distribute enough books – generously supplied by Books for Africa and the Zambezi Schoolbook Project – to each school participating in the literacy workshop in order for them to start creating their own libraries within their schools. It is our hope that these books will aid the teachers and all the students at the schools, and result in higher literacy levels.

After the book deliveries and now the workshop, CITW Zambezi is extremely optimistic that the young students of these 15 teachers will experience well-balanced, creative and effective lessons, which will strengthen the children’s oral language and emergent reading and writing skills.