The ladies from the Adult Eco-Clubs in Namibia had a few days of training at the end of April. Leonie Basson, Trika Basson, Katrina Mangani, Rebecca Adams and Trene Basson boarded their first ever flight to Windhoek, and set out to the Soweto Market where they visited different shops to gather ideas for their clubs. They also spent time talking to the shop owners and entrepreneurs, giving them inspiration and ideas to take back to their communities.
In the Oshetu Community Centre, women involved in business and financial management engaged with the Eco-Club ladies, sharing valuable ideas and advice to help them run their Adult Eco-Clubs productively. The ladies then spent an afternoon in Penduka, where they learnt about embroidery, glass blowing, batique, beading, ceramics and pottery.
After a presentation on Wonderbags, the ladies made a delicious lamb stew from the Wonderbag recipe book, and shared this meal with the Wilderness Safaris Windhoek office (although it seems that not everybody got the memo on how Wonderbags really work).
The ladies left Windhoek inspired, with new craft ideas and entrepreneurial skills, that they can share with their Adult Eco-Clubs.